28 januari 2015

Scrapping with the kids .:. layouts with heart circles

I do enjoy scrapping with the kids, not all the time because it gets a bit stressful... but sometimes now and then.
When I scrap with my 6 year old we like to start looking at a scrap-tutorial at YouTube. And then she wants to create something similar.
This time we looked at a tutorial by Kelly Foster (Thank you Kelly for the inspiration!) and this is what we made, starting with my page:

And this is what my DD 6 year old made:

A2Z scraplets used:
Yum Love family Shabby Circles
Scribble Circle and heart set of 4 

1 kommentar:

Hilde Aaslund aka Scoobie sa...

Det tok litt tid før jeg fikk med meg at den nederste var laget av DD, så jeg tenkte "men det her er jo ikke særlig Petra-like" *lol*
Hun er jo kjempedyktig!

Og din alster er også så fin - digger fargekomboen!